Welcome to AnneScholes.com
Perhaps you have landed here because you are seeking answers to questions that you need clarity on, or maybe you just found it by accident. Whatever the reasons I would like to extend a warm friendly welcome to you.
Here’s a brief outline of who I am and what I am about.
I have been working professionally for the last 15 years. This wasn’t something I set out to do as I had been working in a corporate environment and reached a point in my life where I had no idea where I was going or what I wanted to do. So I had to follow my intuition and through a series of events, it led me to a meditation circle in a spiritualist church… the rest is history as they say.
Once I started to understand what was happening to me I quickly realised that I had been this way since the age of four.
My truth is to be of service to people. The more I can empower, enlighten and raise people’s vibration to a higher place the better. What is your truth?